What’s in the “old man’s” medical bag?
So, a frequent question that I get asked, is what do I carry in my medic bag…
Here is my break down:
Airway- 4- Surgical Cric kits (make them myself) includes a 6.0 ETT cut down 1” above the pilot balloon, 550 cord stripped for trach tie, safety pin for quick attachment, scalpel with #15 blade, 10cc syringe, +/- a trach hook (I personally don’t use one, but good to have).
OPAs, NPA, 7.0ETT styletted, 8.0 ETT styletted and pre-connected 10cc syringe on both, Miller #2 blade with handle (ensure working batteries or always charges), Cyclone BVM, 1-#4 LMA, manual suction (turkey baster style), EasyCapx1
Bleeding- 6 Tourniquets, bleeder kit (combat gauze, fluffls, ace wraps, 4x4s, disposable stapler), sutures (steal this stuff from the surgeon), bandaids and minor injury kit, junctional tourniquet
Breathing – Chest seals x3, Chest tube kit with scalpel, SAV 2 vent with 2 sets tubing, ETCO2 monitor x 2, Pulse Oximeter
Eye- Fox eye shield, flushes, corneal abrasion kit with dye, tetracaine eye ointment, erythromycin eye ointment
Resuscitation- Eldon cards x 10, 3- chinook kits, 10- 18ga iv sets, blood and primary tubing, flushes x10, alcohol pads, whole blood and/or component therapy (too much to discuss here re: blood), pressure bags x 3, blood warmer and batteries, thawing method for FFP (I prefer thermos of hot water and basin), crockpot works great, remember 103 degrees F max for thawing (hot tub temp)
Drugs- Ketamine, Fentanyl, Morphine, Glyco, Atropine, Propofol, Uppers (Ephedrine, Neo), Downers (Labetalol), Epi, Lidocaine, Marcaine, Succinylcholine, Vecuronium, Versed, 100cc saline bags for TIVA, Tetracaine and Erythromycin ointment
Thermal – HPMK x1, ready heat x3
Monitors- ETCO2, Pulse OX, Small vital monitor (if space available)
Transportation- SKEDCO
I’m sure I have missed some things; however, I am sure this blog will generate a lot of discussion by other experts and comments on what they carried. There is not a right answer, just decisions that each of us must live with. Look forward to hearing what others put in their bag of tricks.